
Understanding Crypto Slang: Meaning of NGMI and WAGMI

July 23, 2024
4 min

Cryptocurrency lingo and slang can be as volatile as the market itself. Understanding this unique lingo is essential for anyone trying to enter the crypto market. "NGMI" and "WAGMI" are two of the most commonly used terms, representing polar opposites of success and failure in this high-risk environment. No matter of your expertise level, understanding these terms can provide valuable insight into the mindset of the crypto community.

In this article, we'll break down what NGMI and WAGMI mean, explore their origins, and look at how they are used in the crypto world.

What is NGMI?

NGMI stands for "Not Gonna Make It". It's a term used to predict failure, usually harshly or dismissively. In crypto, it often implies skepticism about the potential success of a project or individual. In short, it's a way of saying that someone or something is unlikely to achieve the desired result.


NGMI originated in fitness communities, most famously popularized by the late fitness icon Zyzz. It was used to describe someone who was unlikely to succeed in achieving their fitness goals. Zyzz, a well-known bodybuilder and Internet personality, used the term to describe individuals who lacked the dedication or proper approach to fitness. 

Over time, the term made its way into various online communities, including cryptocurrency. There it took on a new meaning, symbolizing the doubts and fears surrounding certain investment choices and market strategies.

Usage in Crypto

In the crypto world, NGMI is often used to express doubt or mockery of poor investment decisions, risky projects, or unsound market strategies. It reflects a sentiment that certain actions or decisions will inevitably lead to failure. For example, suppose a new cryptocurrency project lacks a solid development team or a clear roadmap. In that case, experienced traders may use "NGMI" to signal their lack of confidence in the project's future.


  • Poor investment decision: After someone invests in a project that quickly loses value, others may comment "NGMI" to signal the seemingly unavoidable failure of that decision. For example, if a new token launches and its price immediately plummets, a comment such as "Those who bought in at launch are NGMI" might appear.
  • Skeptical viewpoint: When a new, overly ambitious cryptocurrency project is announced without a solid plan, critics might say "This project is NGMI". This usage acts as a warning to potential investors to avoid putting their money into a project that seems doomed to fail due to a lack of planning or unrealistic goals.

What is WAGMI?

WAGMI stands for "We're All Gonna Make It". This term is the optimistic equivalent of NGMI, symbolizing hope and collective success. It's a crypto community motto that represents the belief that, despite the ups and downs, everyone will eventually achieve their goals. The term promotes the idea that persistence, collective effort, and a positive outlook can lead to success for all participants.

Usage in Crypto

WAGMI is used to raise morale and encourage a sense of unity among crypto traders. It's often seen in messages that encourage patience during tough market times or when celebrating collective victories. For example, during a market downturn, traders might use "WAGMI" to remind each other to stay strong and hold their positions, believing that the market will recover and everyone will benefit in the end.


  • Market Downturn: During a significant market dip, traders might post "WAGMI" to reassure each other that the market will recover. For example, if the price of Bitcoin suddenly drops, a tweet saying "Stay strong, WAGMI!" might circulate to maintain morale.
  • Successful Launch:  When a new cryptocurrency project successfully launches and gains traction, community members might proclaim "WAGMI" to celebrate the collective achievement. This usage reflects the communal aspect of the crypto space.

Practical Advice for Crypto Traders

Maintaining a balanced mindset is critical. Adopt the WAGMI mentality to stay motivated, but keep the cautionary lessons of NGMI in mind to avoid rash decisions. Optimism and realism should go hand in hand. A healthy mindset includes celebrating wins, learning from losses, and always being prepared for the next opportunity.

Community Engagement

Engage with the crypto community. Share your insights and learn from others. Using terms like WAGMI and NGMI can help you connect with other traders and collectively tackle the market's complexities. Here are a few platforms to consider:

  • Reddit: Join subreddits like r/CryptoCurrency and r/Bitcoin for discussions and updates. These forums are great for learning from experienced traders and getting diverse perspectives.
  • X (Twitter): Follow key influencers and hashtags like #WAGMI and #CryptoNews. Twitter is a real-time source of news and opinions that can be valuable for staying informed.
  • Discord: Join crypto-focused Discord servers for real-time chat and community support. Discord communities often have dedicated channels for different topics, from market analysis to technical support.

Investment Strategies

To avoid NGMI, do your research before investing. Here are a few steps to consider:

  • Research: Investigate the project's team, technology, and market potential. Look into the background of the developers, read the whitepaper, and understand the use case for the cryptocurrency.
  • Diversification: Spread your investments across multiple assets to minimize risk. This strategy helps protect your portfolio from the volatility of any single asset.
  • Stay Informed: Keep up with market sentiments, trends, news, and developments. Subscribe to newsletters, follow industry news sites, and participate in discussion forums.
  • Transparency: Be wary of projects that lack clear information or have vague whitepapers. Transparency is a key indicator of a legitimate and trustworthy project.


Overall, NGMI and WAGMI reflect the collective experiences and attitudes of the community. By understanding and using these terms, traders can better manage the ups and downs of the market and encourage a culture of mutual support and shared success. So the next time you see "WAGMI" during a market dip or "NGMI" in response to a sketchy project, you'll know exactly what it means and how to respond. Use the wisdom of these terms, engage with the community, and make informed decisions to succeed in crypto.

Risk Disclosure Statement

The information provided in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be construed as financial, tax, or legal advice or recommendation. Dealing with virtual currencies involves significant risks, including the potential loss of your investment. We strongly recommend you obtain independent professional advice before making any financial decisions. The products and services offered by Cryptology may not be suitable for all users and may not be available in certain countries or jurisdictions. The promotional materials do not guarantee any specific outcomes or profits from virtual trading. Past performance is not indicative of future results. It is important to read and understand the risks, which are explained in our Risk Disclosure Statement

Katya V.

Katya is one of Cryptology’s skilled content managers and a writer with a diverse background in content creation, editing, and digital marketing. With experience in several different industries, mostly blockchain and others like deep tech, they have refined their ability to craft compelling narratives and develop SEO strategies.