
TON vs Solana: Which Network Is More Scalable and Efficient?

August 19, 2024
5 min

Scalability, performance, and adoption are often brought up in the TON vs Solana debate. As a more mature network, Solana has processed over 310 billion transactions to date. TON is a relatively new blockchain that’s only getting traction. 

At first sight, TON and Solana have a lot in common, namely, high throughput, security, and streamlined development. However, each blockchain has a different way of achieving this and offers unique benefits. Let’s unpack what sets them apart. 

Scalability and Performance 

Solana is renowned for its high performance, with a theoretical peak throughput of 65,000 transactions per second (TPS). However, its practical performance is often lower (around 3,000 TPS), and the network has suffered several outages. 

Unlike TON, Solana doesn’t support sharding – a technique of dividing the network into smaller, independent units called shards to improve scalability. Each shard holds a subset of the network's data and processes it separately. This means shards operate independently, handling their own transactions and validations without relying on the entire network. 

Solana’s CEO Anatoly Yakovlenko explained this decision with security concerns, as a single shard could be taken over by hackers. 

TON's dynamic sharding architecture automatically creates new shards as necessary for unlimited scalability. However, TON’s current block time is five seconds, and the TPS averages 100. 

Consensus Algorithm 

TON relies on a Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) consensus algorithm where native token holders vote to elect validators responsible for processing transactions and creating new blocks. 

TON’s KECCAK-256 hash function makes the network resilient to length extension and collision attacks. Additionally, KECCAK-256 provides TON with some degree of Ethereum compatibility due to the shared cryptographic function. 

DPoS has greater efficiency than PoW or PoS due to a relatively small number of elected validators. However, higher transaction speed comes at the cost of decreased decentralization

Solana uses a hybrid of Proof-of-Stake (PoS) and Proof-of-History (PoH) consensus mechanisms with SHA-256 hash function. Each node in the Solana network maintains a local clock that is independent of external time sources. Every time a tiny fraction of a second passes, it records a specific number.

Whenever a node processes a transaction, it adds a timestamp based on its PoH to the ledger. PoH allows Solana to process transactions faster because there’s no need to synchronize clocks between nodes. Moreover, the chronological ledger is impossible to manipulate.

Programing Language 

Solana mainly uses Rust and C/C++ for smart contracts and Python for user-facing apps.  However, community-contributed tools allow developers to use other programming languages, like JavaScript and Go. 

On the other hand, TON uses its own languages FunC and Fift for smart contracts, which gives developers more control. TON also supports a community-driven language Tact. Recently, TON introduced a platform called TON Studio to simplify building on its network.

Smart Contract Capabilities 

Rust backbone gives Solana smart contracts several advantages, namely:

  • Security: Rust's strict ownership and borrowing rules prevent common programming vulnerabilities that cause program crash or unexpected behavior. 
  • Concurrency: Rust's support for concurrent programming aligns well with Solana's parallel processing capabilities. Essentially, it allows Solana to handle multiple transactions simultaneously. 

This combination makes Solana perfectly suitable for apps demanding high performance and integrity, like DeFi platforms and payment systems. 

TON’s complex state machines and even handling allow for the development of sophisticated applications like DEXes, DAOs, and gaming platforms. Moreover, each smart contract is isolated by TON’s Virtual Machine to prevent malicious code from affecting the network as a whole.

Ecosystem and Use Cases 

Solana's focus on speed and scalability attracts developers building applications that require fast transaction processing and low latency, like DeFi and P2E gaming. Starting in 2023, Solana has become a breeding ground for memecoins like WIF and BONK due to its developer-friendly ecosystem. 

Its most recent development Solana Actions allows developers to integrate Solana apps into any web environment. Solana has also made significant efforts to increase its adoption for real-world use cases like retail payments. 

Meanwhile, TON’s flexibility and sharding architecture make it suitable for complex applications like IoT data management and social platforms. However, it has become particularly popular for P2E game development, hosting titles like Hamster Kombat, Citizen, and Notcoin. 

TON’s native cross-chain communication enables seamless transfers between other blockchains and fosters interoperability. Decentralized bridges make it ideal for apps demanding high transaction throughput, like DEXes and trading platforms. 

Unlike TON, Solana lacks native cross-chain mechanisms but enables interoperability through protocols like Wormhole. Unfortunately, reliance on external solutions introduces additional complexity and potential security vulnerabilities

Token Standard 

The Solana Program Library (SPL) defines the fungible and non-fungible token standard on the network. Unlike Ethereum, which has two token standards (ERC-20 and ERC-721), Solana only has one, and the token functionality is defined by metadata at the creation stage. A consistent token structure promotes compatibility between different Solana applications.

Fungible tokens on TON are called Jettons. The standard simplifies development and ensures compatibility between different Jetton-based applications.

However, there’s yet no specific standard for NFTs as TON is in its early stages of development. While TON supports NFTs, developers have no blueprint and can use custom smart contracts to create assets with specific properties. 

Token Economics 

Comparing TON vs Solana fees is virtually meaningless. Both networks charge negligible transaction fees due to their efficient consensus mechanisms and scalable architectures. 

Solana gas fees typically range from $0.003 to $0.030 per transaction and are paid in its native currency SOL. SOL has been on an upward trend in 2024, growing by over 560% and reaching a $71 billion market cap. 

TON gas fees average at $0.005. The network’s native coin TON has a significantly lower market cap than SOL, slightly over $14 billion. However, the TON coin saw a 367% yearly increase, suggesting its growing adoption. 


There’s no evident winner in the Solana vs TON competition, as both networks offer a solid foundation for sophisticated app development and immense scalability. However, certain differences between Solana and TON, like sharding, cross-chain communication, programming languages, and consensus mechanisms make each better suited for particular use cases. In essence, Solana excels in high-performance applications, while TON gives greater flexibility.

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Katya V.

Katya is one of Cryptology’s skilled content managers and a writer with a diverse background in content creation, editing, and digital marketing. With experience in several different industries, mostly blockchain and others like deep tech, they have refined their ability to craft compelling narratives and develop SEO strategies.